
OpenCRVS is highly configurable, interoperable and scalable, making it ideally suited for use in low resource settings. It uses standards-based and proven technologies to provide effective digital civil registration services for the long-term.

Designed around highly independent “microservice” components, the OpenCRVS stack can be used flexibly to support any country scale and implementation context.
Architected to handle even the largest populations with continuous high levels of traffic, OpenCRVS is "containerized" supporting replication, load balancing and distribution across a cluster.
OpenCRVS protects personal data from all forms of unauthorised access by using data encryption, two-factor authentication, secure JSON web tokens and role-based authorization. OpenCRVS is independently penetration tested to best practice e-Gov requirements.
OpenCRVS uses open data standards such as Health Level 7 FHIR v4 (ANSI Accredited, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) that facilitate interoperability and provide vendor neutrality.
OpenCRVS is super fast and resilient utilising automated load balancing, an industry standard search engine and GraphQL to minimise server requests. The performance of the entire application can be closely monitored through a suite of open-source monitoring tools.
Deploying OpenCRVS to an on-premise or remote, Tier II+ data-centre is quick and easy using the fully automated CI/CD pipeline. Automated testing coverage provides quality assurance.
System documentation
Dig into the OpenCRVS system documentation to learn more about the technology stack, how to setup your own instance, and more.
Technology documentation