
OpenCRVS License Information

OpenCRVS is distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0 (“MPL 2.0” or “the License”)). If a copy of the License was not distributed with your software, you can obtain one here.

Appendix to Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0

The following additional terms relating to disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability are hereby incorporated into the terms and conditions of the License. Words and expressions used in this Appendix shall have the same meaning as those defined in the License.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Further to Clause 6 in the License, no warranties of any kind whatsoever are made as to the results that You will obtain from relying upon the Covered Software (or any information or content obtained by way of the Covered Software), including but not limited to compliance with privacy laws or regulations or civil registration laws or regulations or industry standards and protocols. Use of the Covered Software is not a substitute for a civil registration standard practice or the user’s professional judgment. Any decision with regard to the appropriateness of any information, or the validity or reliability of information or content made available by the Covered Software, is the sole responsibility of the user.

Limitation of Liability

Further to Clause 7 in the License, the following types are liability are also excluded:

  • any and all liability relating to losses arising under any privacy laws or regulations, whether these are claims for damages or loss, or fines or penalties imposed by a regulator or any government entity;
  • any and all liability relating to losses arising under any civil registration laws or regulations, industry standards or protocols, whether these are claims for damages or loss, or fines or penalties imposed by a regulator or any government entity; and
  • any and all liability relating to losses on account of or associated with the use or inability to use the Covered Software including, without limitation, the use of information or content made available by the Covered Software and any associated documentation